Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to Choose the Right Garbage Bag

So, you want to buy trash bags.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Not really.
Standing in the trash bag aisle, you’ll soon find yourself bombarded with dozens of choices, all which seem pretty similar. You got your odor shield, odor block, odor lock. Then there’s the litany of statements touting each bag’s strength: ultimate, extra strong, 3-ply strength, trusted strength.
Reading the product boxes won’t do you much good because they don’t seem to have much in the way of helpful information.  So how do you choose the right trash bag? Good question.
The 2.4 Billion Dollar Trash Bag Question
The single most important question you must ask yourself before starting your search is: 

What is this trash bag going to be used for?
Kitchen waste? Lawn care? Recycling? Bathrooms? Office? The bag you need will depend on what you need the bag for.  If you don’t answer this question, you’re literally throwing money away. You could end up wasting money on a more expensive, thicker bag when all you really needed was a less expensive, thinner bag or a shorter bag and thus wasting money on extra material.  Or, have you ever had a garbage bag break?  Leaving you to clean up the mess…… Yuk. 
Below are some helpful tips to keep in mind the next time ‘YOU’ are pondering, “Which bag should I buy?”